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Classic Audio Products, Inc.

   Being the fortunate owner of a 1976 API model 3232 recording console, I have been down many roads to get her restored perfectly and functioning just like I want. This is actually still a work in progress! I have come to enjoy restoring, repairing and modifying my desk almost as much as recording and mixing on it.      During this never-ending task, I have created, duplicated and sourced many unique printed circuit boards and other components that make these desks special. The modular and discrete component building blocks are spectacular to work with and of course the "sound" of a vintage, discrete analog recording console is hard to beat. The old API's are modular in build and are quite friendly for DIY modifying. Much different that the way production circuits are designed and built these days. Nothing surface mount here! Well, unless you drop in a few of Scott's SL-2520 red dots!       I hope that you will find something of interest here, like maybe a part or component that will make your console, summing mixer or other DIY project vintage sounding and one of a kind.       If you have any component requests or ideas, please feel free to drop an email       In April of 2016, my wife and I along with the CAPI business migrated to Nashville Tennessee. At that time the original "Classic Audio Products of IL, Inc." corporation was merged into "Classic Audio Products, Inc.". Even though we have a strong presence in town, we still operate as a virtual only store. We do not have a "brick and morter" location. Jeff Steiger, President Classic Audio Products, Inc. PO Box 210116 Nashville, TN 37221 USA 708-417-5192

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    Classic Audio Products, Inc.



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